Sigil Heyra Has Been Established

As part of the sabbatical and large scale changes that Sigil Arts Media has undergone, Our primary source of content has been given its own identity. The Podcast network Sigil Arts Media, has been rebranded as Sigil Heyra.

In line with our new brand guides, our ventures take on old Norse monikers to signify them. due in large part to CEO Kornelius “Kings Eyes” Olsen being a Norwegian.

“Heyra” means “To Hear”, the main sense at play when consuming podcast or other audio content.

The moniker will be represented in all branding of cover arts for Sigil Podcasts, and will feature in original content.

Heyra Original Content

Sigil Heyra will be publishing weekly in depth, and more leisurely content in several categories of interest. Debuting originals will be announced in a separate post in the 2nd/3rd quarter of 2023.

Previous originals are also being negotiated to make a return.


Heyra content will be content open to advertising, through great partnerships with Impact Affiliates and our own sales/advertising department, our shows will feature a fresh take on advertising in podcasts. Well suited for our listeners and our advertisers alike.

Advertising will also feature sparingly on our shows various social media. Sigil Heyra the network can be found and followed on @SigilHeyra on all major platforms. And more information can be found on

In closing. The Sigil Arts Media team are excited to bring great new, and insightful content in the year of 2023 and beyond.